xicution — similar artists: psionic madness, temple of dread, interminable corruptions, machinations of fate, deathcollectoruk, static abyss, ensanguinate, spheron, warlord uk, vincent crowley, flesh configuration, hiraes, creeping flesh, the halo effect, wayward dawn, toxaemia, introtyl, megascavenger, GRISLY, shrapnel storm, vølus, out of the mouth of graves, The Pretty Reckless, taskforce toxicator, testimony records, nightbearer, vadiat, kk's priest, tumulation, colin young, Obscenity, burning witches, shards of humanity, abolish, nihïlanth, deadborn, at the plates, stass, carnal abhorrence, house by the cemetary, just before dawn, Caratucay, zustand null, farsoth, kade storm, mogila deathcult, defy the curse, domination campaign, decrapted, cranial bifurcation, december screams embers, bál, voracity, maggot crown, siege of power, pale king, goddamn gringos,