witchrist — similar artists: witchrist, nexul, vorum, slutvomit, denouncement pyre, crurifragium, necros christos, abominator, rites of thy degringolade, gospel of the horns, degial, nocturnal graves, vasaeleth, invincible force, horrisonous, antiversum, ululatum tollunt, teitanblood, irkallian oracle, angelcorpse, bestial raids, ensnared, nocturnal blood, vomitor, destruktor, kever, vesicant, spectral apparition, heresiarch, sempiternal dusk, Possession, darvaza, dire omen, funerus, thy feeble saviour, grave upheaval, antediluvian, hellfire deathcult, impiety, wardaemonic, thy sepulchral moon, rebaelliun, adversarial, blood freak, grave ascension, ritual necromancy, temple nightside, truppensturm, black witchery, blood chalice, impaled nazarene, perdition temple, purtenance, genocide shrines, temple of baal, infernal sacrament, ritual chamber,