when+thieves+are+about — similar artists: flag on fire, go great guns, supportive parents, we found a map, shirley d. pressed, yankee brutal, enemy alliance, the palatines, shadows of defeat, trendy five, undertipper, brand new lungs, dearly divided, toxcow, class of 86, lightspeedgo, the mor(r)ons, Fire In The Radio, fold the nuts, the lawrence arms, the greatest sons, nonthewiser, the ocean front, allout helter, Stanis, western addiction, abandin all hope, settle your scores, shift-d, planet watson, wasted potental, taiwan balek, head honcho, feed the cat, no time to waste, scott sellers, set fire to reason, fair do's, hack the mainframe, bedspin, when thieves are about, the friday prophets, day oof, strike twelve, passage 4, ninjas and aliens, lipona, silly sally, the midlife, heart & lung, the corps, nightmares for a week/banquets, static pills, fabled mind, old cross, strung out, sled,