void+generator — similar artists: blue black hours, space slavery, Enos, sonic mass, animal bizarre, spirit division, shellfin, the moonshine brand, brain pyramid, lizard queen, dryasdust, atomonaut, DSW, godhead lizard, otehi, parasol caravan, out of space, spheronaut, fatmate, soul thief, lord montague, from the ages, olmeg, lunar grave, snake thursday, chief of smoke, fairy duster, stone cadaver, grandloom, doomicidal, sahara surfers, the space spectrum, archarus, gorgantherron, the acid guide service, holy monitor, mount soma, sons of apache, blackwitch pudding, sophie´s earthquake, gypsybyrd, fool magician, great rift, black voodoo train, comet control, dunst, tuna de tierra, black moon circle, the cosmic nod, violence of the sun, golden smoke, mojo wizard, black space riders, seven planets, morganthus, eidetic seeing, deaf proof,