visions+of+war â similar artists: d-sagawa, disapprove, warkrusher, agnosy, genogeist, kinetic orbital strike, nocturnal scum, dishönor, kromosom, röntgen, zygome, population reduction, visions of fuckin war, anguished life, terminal filth, dödlĂ€ge, after the bombs, hellish view, barren soil, deviated instinct, absolut, ursut, the lousy, step to freedom, wolfbeast destroyer, ultrarat, ćć·çè
(paranoid), lebenden toten, discommand, kill the con man, nuclear death terror, larma, extinctexist, occultist, disclone, project gbg, death evocation, police bastard, kazmer, hospitalet, napalm raid, rukous, kriegshög, forclose, skiplickers, apĂ€rĂ€, genöme, burning//world, not enough, svaveldioxid, löckheed, cimiterium, warsick, skullnbone, bombardment, siege fire, lautstĂŒrmer,