vicious+blonde — similar artists: the vee bees, vicious blonde, the stripp, the soapgirls, lovesores, panic shack, jodie flange, robot death monkey, hy-test, protospasm, the nilz, dennis cometti, juliette seizure & the tremor-dolls, nixon now, cosmic kahuna, hard action, west lords, man-eaters, hurry up, crank county daredevils, mannequin death squad, blowers, a fistful more of rock, low rats, deathtraps, killer of sheep, mystery actions, motherfuckin' motherfuckers, the egyptian gay lovers, motosierra, mitch please, the meatbeaters, jj speedball, wreckless enterprise, hammercocks, royal red brigade, happy times, thee saturday knights, sick56, flangipanis, JUDEX, rude rahlis, party wreckers, fret rattles, i have a goat, the woodland hunters, hairy mother of god, the jerry spider gang, lipstick vibrators, stevie tombstone, born to destruct, flash house, chuck norris experiment, the australia beefweek show, scalphunter, flesh rag, the owen guns,