the+visionites — similar artists: power dread, ruff stereo records, serious sam, POWER Records, loïc paulin, DubVision, ranking fox, Fullvibes, hornin' all star, lion roering, peter youthman, messenjah movement records, woodland sound, junior cat, conscious embassy, subatomic sound system, countryman, midnight riders, roots trunks, dennis bovell dub band, outronaut, dub foundry, dub calavera, truth and vibes, junior brown, moa anbessa, lone ark meets the 18th parallel, immiroots sound system, papa stone, begum x, abakush, HandyMan, camille riccoboni, sounsty, benji revelation, Yaadcore, kitachi, zabandis, high times players, roots keepers power dread zulu vibes, mighty oak records, skari, the visionites, sons of manji, bongo damo, rassie ai - ras hassen ti - dub foundry, dub kazman meets woodland sound, ruddy symbol, the mighty threes, bbc, rks records, ras zehm, nia songbird, maija, Georges Dub, naram, ashanti waugh,