the+uncreation — similar artists: wardaemonic, khariot, earth rot, aeon of horus, azooma, thumlock, tangled thoughts of leaving, untimely demise, abriosis, stone magnum, christ dismembered, mongol, satan's fall, sedulus, pillars in the sky, orsome welles, wrath of fenrir, plaguelord, horrisonous, cinema prague, thunderbolt, speedblow, harkane, doomsday dementia, ancient ascendant, scythia, without waves, grisatre, hanormale, endless affliction, Grotesque, black thai, kalvath, dawn of dementia, vestigial aus, shellfin, mhorgl, the archaic revival, the overmind, the bishop of hexen, suffer in rot, altar defecation, kvalvaag, greytomb, hovmod, svartghast, magma dragon, sarcophagum, woewarden, gorgantherron, fractalline, mar mortuum, ulvehyrde, gonoba, dragonrider, dryasdust, dying kings,