the go! — similar artists: conspiracy of owls, the go, the jeanies, telephone lovers, chris richards and the subtractions, Wild Raccoon, laughing hyenas, hoaries, poino, EASY ACTION, sultan bathery, hot snakes, slumber party, VAZ, multicult, the martha's vineyard ferries, the rainyard, the breakdowns, electric mountain, the bye bye blackbirds, mr.phylzzz, detroit cobras, john krautner, Blondi's Salvation, the resonars, choke chains, paint thinner, obnox, howlin' banana bands, Urge Overkill, the pantookas, hundred visions, the 16 eyes, mudhoney, palace pier, the small square, dissolving illusions, steve harvey oswald, hippodrome, razor boys, the rallies, the richmond sluts, bearfoot beware, diamond hands, ssm, Reptilian Records, volage, jon and the vons, dharma bums, the blitzers, travel check, quetzal snakes, rocket 455, frustrations, barreracudas, the cavemen five, baston,