the+gangnails — similar artists: digger and the pussycats, the doppelgängers, the blackrats, raygun cowboys, a gathering of none, kool & the gang bangers, horror-punks [r.i.p.], the gangnails, 5¢ freakshow, mcpherson struts, the blowtorches, alex brown & the hepcats, the coffinshakers, contessa & the squires, wild karma, degenerated, misused, tiger junkies, smell of kat, new today, left hand black, the bop kings, evelyn's casket, the psycho-devilles, hot rod walt, the ghoolz, speed crazy, bulgarian yogurt, the war goes on, saint killed her, the switchblade valentines, Tasteless, the heartdrops, diablo records, deadite, siblings of samhain, stormtroopers of love, thee scarecrows aka, psycho devilles, molly fancher, the vapids, guitarslingers, mental bait, gallowmere, the theatre zombies, the lower class brats, horror section, shadow windhawk and the morticians, the dukes of bordello, rampires, the psychward breakouts, basementones, los lügers, the zipheads, Stave The Grave, children of october, the hitchcocks,