the+dynamites — similar artists: bobby kalphat, the termites, phil pratt, the dynamites, pressure sounds, vivian 'yabby you' jackson, jimmy riley, paul whiteman, The Upsetters, joe higgs, the aggrovators, tommy mccook, jah lloyd, the prophets, diggory kenrick, the tidals, patrick andy/yabby you, philip fullwood, i -mo-jah, joy lindsay, the upsetter, bree daniels, junior byles, the inspirations, leo graham, skin flesh, santic with freddie mckay/augustus pablo, dukey mccella, frankie jones, lloyd parks, prince jazzbo/king tubby, rudy thomas, Inner Circle, orlando kirkland, al brown, lynn taitt, bobby ellis, chuck jaques, lee perry, slim smith, busty brown, bunny lee allstars, the flames, gladstone anderson, carl bert, fazal prendergast, aleas jube, high times players, paolo baldini dubfiles mix, ruddy thomas, inturns, various artists produced by bunny lee, hornin' all star, studio one, third world all stars, the seventh extension band, al brown/dubfiles,