the+battlebeats — similar artists: kool & the gang bangers, control freaks, true sons of thunder, gee tee vee, mr. teenage, fdh records, digger and the pussycats, the dirts, real losers, model zero, anxious pleasers, virvon varvon, the prissteens, goodbye boozy digital, BATTLE.BEATS, itchy self, th' losin streaks, theee retail simps, the darling buds, abi ooze, poppets, thee artificial rejects, angel face, the gobs, c.p.r. doll, the stools/ toeheads, jj and the a's, primitive hands, the nits, tommy and the commies, the rebel spell, jack oblivian and the sheiks, humans are the worst invention, the primate five vs the traditional fools, the celebrities, qinqs, imploders, the sleeveens, strange colours, silicon hearbeat, candy highway, the shanghais, phone jerks, belly jelly, terror visions, haunted george, ingrates, shitbots ceo, legless records, milk lines, the battlebeats, alien snatch! records, gape attack!, slander tongue, shitbots, doctor scientist, doctor scientst,