techtones — similar artists: the kiwi animal, the gabys, the garbage and the flowers, bill direen/bilders, techtones, jj ulius, blank statements, usurabi, playthings, brick head, headless chickens, dead famous people, the sundae painters, the subliminals, the garbage, straitjacket fits, mainly spaniards, shop regulars, midnight mines, lime crush, doublehappys, alec bathgate, aloha units, skiftande enheter, private anarchy, ferocious, thokei tapes, graeme jefferies, humphreys & keen, cuticles-major works lp, the vacant lot, violin sect, alex macfarlane, the new existentialists, smelly feet, xv, children maybe later, riot 111, privacy issues, various artists - christchurch alternative music 1980 -1984, violent change, hamish kilgour, Michael O., fungus brains, mammas mysteriska jukebox, brett adams, the rangoons, cleta patra records, ballon d'essai, paperniks, thistle group, negative nancies, friendly boyfriend, francisca griffin, feeling figures, liquid diet, monokultur,