tarsus+vii — similar artists: out of hell, archean nights, torus dome, iok1, the rosenshoul, nebulon, slithering black records, abandoned asylum, tertium organum, death on cassette, melanohelios, omensworn, numbness, deepdark, hiemal, gaetir the mountainkeeper, araphel, eshaton, alphaxone, grande abisso, tarsus vii, noctivagant, rojinski, Ajna, abiotha, sacra fern, machina ad noctem, paleowolf, Flowers for Bodysnatchers, all things dead, silent universe, archean nights/hiemal, iron cthulhu apocalypse, the slow taste of night air, last industrial estate, moloch conspiracy, stronghold guardian, orkforge, anihila, bloodstalker, monasterium imperi, ia~mt~hi~ng, m00m, demorph desform, red fog, dreamprowler, crows in the garden, insectarium, her menacing pet, hysteresis loop, ambient online, ܢܘܠܐ ܕܓܘܓܝ, las paccariscas, veiled monk, noctilucant, tábor radosti, defiantly fading,