tanner+g. — similar artists: disability, cannes, thaniel ion lee, lost age, humanhood recordings, gravespit, xerex, fading contour, blood rhythms, ben rehling, city of djinn, culture of death, damagesignal, tile cassette, douglas lucas, barf thoth, vermani shah, concrete whale, lucio morandi, stelzer/murray, audible masticators, division of labor, 905 tapes, ffi digital, cremation lily x døves, mirror ii rorrim, this is what i hear when you talk, ivory trade, platonoff, wnw, havre de grace, free tacos, blows, RG, steve llama, arvo zylo, hendekagon, sick llama, gravure, tim marsoul, heath moerland, tuning knife, full meat jacket, francis theberge, this i what i hear when you talk, signalstoerung, fag tapes / antartica, joe+n, darío moratilla, painting petals on planet ghost, jack eley, jmonoisey, thirteen hurts, prd, autonom, stolen light, r. short,