tab-one+ — similar artists: tab one, binary star, one be lo, bobby noble, chain winners, career crooks, dephlow, Verbal Kent, dtmd (dunc & toine makin' dollas), og aborigines, vonpea, chris orrick, wrecking crew, Henry Canyons, dueling experts, kon sci of mindsone, mink (musab & ink well), lessondary, illus, von pea the beatmaker, faux pals, subterraneous records, chanhays, subterraneous records presents: onemanarmy, rapsody, atoms family, cryptic one, Donwill, jamall bufford, kam moye, stik figa x august fanon, the primeridian, Supastition, red pill & hir-o, googie, ag of ditc, cognac kingz, TanyaMorgan, SINOPSIS, decompoze, shrapknel, bumpy knuckles, charlie smarts & dj ill digitz, dunc, tiron, ill scholars, j-live, arsonists, awon & dephlow, premrock & fresh kils, da buze bruvaz present: clever1, hus kingpin [tha connection], iron wigs, penpals x junclassic, grilchy party, Kooley High, dunc of dtmd,