st.+kraut — similar artists: space shepherds, automatism, sista maj, lunar grave, the space spectrum, domboshawa, Shem, lastryko, deep space destructors, grombira - oriental space rock, kungens män, krautwerk, runa gaman, apex ten, oulu space jam collective, the lost stoned pandas, asteroid blues, st. kraut, kungens man, the fellowship of hallucinatory voyagers, hieronymus dream, sendelica, svenska psykvänner, sen3, cobra family picnic, einseinseins, jegong, the sonic shamen, the spacious mind, black moon circle, meteor vortex, fuzzerati, polymoon, liquidacid, centre el muusa, kombynat robotron, sonora sunrise, aquarius lux - primitive knot, birds and buildings, the sun or the moon, brown spirits, dr space, spurious transients, tönen, tonzonen records, knall, lamagaia, arcane allies, the space huns, electric orange, z machine, jerky dirt, icarus peel's acid reign, holy mushroom, band of cloud, maat lander, solar zero,