spit+bile — similar artists: exalter, hidden intent, untimely demise, skullview, devastruction, toxic carnage, vexovoid, chemicide, heretic rites, project pain, blessed curse, armoured angel, amken, the bleeding, riffobia, satan's fall, warning sign, decaying days, potential threat sf, comaniac, reabilitator, bangover, fueled by fire, a sound of thunder, deathblow, mental slavery, killing, necrokinesis, heavy metal shrapnel, forced neglect, ashen light, fabulous desaster, dungeon crawl, ukthrashers, reactory, tunguska mammoth, cultural warfare, antipeewee, screaming forest, holdaar, the conjuring, svartby, animator, space chaser, der gerwelt, therm.eye.flame, divina enema, while they sleep, refore, objector, deathincarnation, toxik shokk, ...of celestial, atoll nerat, nuckin' futs, runelord, solarward,