spiralism — similar artists: danshoku dino, mount soma, blue black hours, ulzer, jjoosseepphh, ihyg, worry rock, painflux, runaway dino, herm fetishization, t. bjørklund quartet, copro gang, humanextermination project, collections of dead souls, rodney h.t vita, 119311, gnawing the flayed, concrete emptiness, lizard queen, crutch_fetishist, fairy duster, audio deathburn, pizza burrito, hana haruna, Enos, simulated death, suyuin, crepuscular entity, anal ricochet, shellfin, the moonshine brand, godhead lizard, golden smoke, androcentrism, mapawi, sonic mass, parasol caravan, great rift, warzone café, soul thief, mountain dust, spirit division, red spektor, reko castren, sea becomes black, deep space destructors, ixsxdxsxtxp, dryasdust, carlbuncle weathers, lord montague, snake thursday, lunar grave, stone cadaver, sahara surfers, space slavery, his masters voice - the devils blues, meat hands,