sos — similar artists: the nuclear so and so's, richard edwards, the nuclear so, archer avenue, Margot, so's, the nucelar so, thunderstars, astral planes drifter, koasasa, good f*ck, shadows of vibrate, everything, now!, cays, hymie's basement, puerta del sol, nation of ulysses, babexo, kenny childers, astal planes drifter, virgin flower, Sabo, SolSelectas, anchor store, s.m. wolf, surrogating, tim kinsella & jenny pulse, josiah wolf, kmln, azaleas, one trillion suns, and the earth will speak in sun cycles, rainbow pyramid, tfs, jonny's comp, gareth liddiard, gentleman caller, busman's holiday, halcyon tapes, kingman fire, davcar, kokolo afrobeat orchestra, bosuman, apollo80, cassady locke, cedric noel, ca55, bass ill euro, Tropical Fuck Storm, kidbug, fjshwjfe, friend/enemy, pan am, kevin reilly, alan skidmore, jukebox the ghost, big makk,