sophia+duccini — similar artists: silver torches, SassyBlack, maita, ballboy, dàimh, maryn e. coote, young in the city, sophia duccini, cristina vane, al menne, the young evils, cat naps, abby gundersen, jessica boudreaux, floating room, NAVVI, whitney ballen, sean lane, andy fitts, julia massey & the five finger discount, the hoot hoots, pictoria vark, electric nono, anisa romero, pauline drand, Frances Cone, ran park, miette hope, campfire social, shelby earl, who is she?, señorita carolina / carolina pacheco, marina fages, jazmín esquivel, pickle boy, tinsley, the shackeltons, aysay, Prom Queen, my eyes shut, mic flont, maia marsh, little wins, sam lynch, alexandre duccini, cumulus, alyeska, suzie true, chickem, pom pom squad, march to may, elizabeth gundersen, erik walters, aidan noell, so below, breabach, divorce care,