so long until the séance (s.l.u.t.s) — similar artists: so long until the séance, so long until the séance (s.l.u.t.s), 5¢ freakshow, shadow windhawk and the morticians, a gathering of none, evelyn's casket, horror punks usa, gallowmere, the renfields, die ghost, the reanimated, darrow chemical company, black cat attack, the meltdownz, bad pollyanna, mike van d, dark ride, evilyn's casket, robby bloodshed, children of october, the writhers, under a nightmare, hybrid moments, creepersin, demonic, bakken, zombiehater, the theatre zombies, october's flame, heathen apostles, horror section, draven valentine, bad monster black, left hand black, cut up naked teenagers, boogeyman, pumpkin guts, murderland, shadow windhawk, hellgreaser, the big bad, darker days, all hail the yeti, zombiesuckers, siblings of samhain, rictus grim, saint killed her, ratbatspider, we are horror records, ripfits, dickie devil and the deviants, horror-punks [r.i.p.], mummula, Echoes and Signals, cadaver club, trigger thirteen, savage remains,