sadistic+gossip — similar artists: girls on fire, sadistic gossip, mary davis kills mary davis kills, ec community members, the skoptzies, electronic cottage, thirteen hurts, john m. bennett, the new boyfriends, jay t. yamamoto, amek-maj, moozzhead, vincent dallas, skoptzies, silander, ahola, depravar, rafael gonzález, hattifnattar, kartio, pungent odor, debbie jaffe, magthea, electronic cottage community, lusters, corral shut, 106, toanche dwelling, mogao, mousecop, rubber city noise, macroglossia, the joke project, e h i, scrap furnace, prescott minóy, xerex, breathe heavy, mnem, faserhaft, c. mehrl bennett, haudat, the day of the antler, bwana dog, blood rhythms, max julian eastman, the bim prongs, dj fleur grrrl, total sweetheart, hal mcgee, idler, jiblit dupree, baingan bharta, violent shogun, vulcan ironworks, michael a cosma, reverend claire,