roseblood — similar artists: roseblood, typecaste, revenge season, vicious embrace, buried dreams, seed of pain, laid 2 rest, vow of hatred, trail of lies, enemy mind, simulakra, three knee deep, a needle under the nail, caged existence, separated, mercy blow, xservitudex, hell of self, before i had wings, foreign hands, no zodiac, wristmeetrazor, chamber of malice, no witnesses, your spirit dies, glass killing floor, god program, back to life, facewreck, liar's tongue, sanction, plead your case records, orthodox straight edge, never ending game, askysoblack, dying wish, divided life, watchdogs, born a new, ends of sanity, 'sabella, law of power, xregressionsx, traumaxqueen, stone cold stunner, xconsumetosatisfyx, mouth for war, Code Orange Kids, eyes of the lord, belligerence tx, hazing over, behindcoloredglass, greater pain, drawing last breath, staining the twilight black, vamachara, .38snub,