rising — similar artists: barús, msrblflr, his masters voice - the devils blues, LISTENABLE RECORDS, estuarine, jarun, untimely demise, around the fire, degraey, robot death monkey, ritual dictates, symbol of domination prod., ingurgitating_oblivion, shellfin, the gentlemen bastards, possessed steel, the ossuary, sedulus, second grave, mental slavery, psygnosis, aleph null, Into Orbit, valfader, steingrab, embarla firgasto, hellbringer, mountain dust, kalte sonne, cult of sorrow, borboropsis, moanaa, salqiu, throne of heresy, dryasdust, voidthrone, discordant meditation, comes with the fall, 0-nun, blue black hours, black thai, mount soma, lizard queen, supreme carnage, hypnosia, profane desecration, clayshaper, blattaria, transcending rites, atrate, Caratucay, bezdech, petrale, nirrti, doomicidal, czort, exalter,