puppet+wipes — similar artists: private anarchy, the garbage and the flowers, the gabys, the garbage, itchy self, komare, ribbon stage, abi ooze, tim darcy, chris reimer, the rangoons, jj ulius, the kiwi animal, hick tracy, worldwide isolation, children maybe later, midnight mines, elle barbara's black space, smelly feet, kleener, famous mammals, puppet wipes, meat thump, rrr band, bb eye, xv, private sorrow, thistle group, a.j. cornell, good f*ck, feeling figures, the scums, skiftande enheter, maybel, minesweeper, band of the hawk, janitor scum, seth smith, protruders, starpill, blank statements, greymouth, exit death, the ranghouls, cucked existence, theee retail simps, grosso, yawnolly, into the night, chain of dolphins, wake ghost, niimihk, chris cook, rough morning, tracheal shave, all that you hate, george highway,