public+opinion — similar artists: civilized, vile gash, mangled state, suburbanite, the holophonics, exxxon, the repos, cadaver dog, supportive parents, motor corp, heart & lung, cexcrime, creep stare, snarling hate, jivebomb, angry snowmans, excide, veil ii, lust$ickpuppy, the consequence, orphans of doom, goodbye world, red forty, soophie nun squad, negative blast, hick tracy, truth cult, combat force, sqrm, mikey erg band, absolute power, aerosols, bathurst, knocked down, shitlord fuckerman, failures, tem eyos ki, hipshot killer, speed week, glycerol, neckscars, divorce chord, bent blue, talk show host, heavy lag, targets, militarie gun, no chemistry, bad crime, big jar of mayo, rainy day regatta, credit bureau, mt. gigantic, the good good, abe froman, the clue, lustsickpuppy,