bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

primogenitis — similar artists: trauer, nostalgic darkness, chaoscraft, lidelse, durthang, choronzon, veil of thorns, todessehnsucht, unjoy, empire of blood, trou noir, avoid the light, p. emerson williams, colorless forest, meta/mor/fos, sarghnagel, fornicatus, sjælekval, xenarch, freitod zeremonie, catarsis incarne, Metal Destroyer, alcotopia, skendöd, nordligblåst, tales of blood, like desolate like true, dismal suffering, aleere, may result, kafka rex, crematorio, hch, avsky, intig, tonttu, funeral fog, oldlands, baht, inner suffering, tonttu - fahl - p. emerson williams, ı▼ık-†▲n†r▲, winterblut, gûlgûta, aucun, ostium, pröfane oath, jahve, keith 'zig' stewart, FASA, in sins i roam, silent pendulum records, bozhevilnyy, tfg (tonttu), thromos, panicmachine, triebtat,