patricide — similar artists: solus ex inferis, Caratucay, interminable corruptions, endless affliction, disfuneral, cranial bifurcation, morbid cross, serpents oath, virial, cursebinder, deathcollectoruk, carach angren, NOCTEM, vivian girls, codex nero, carnal abhorrence, terratur possessions, brainblast, battlegrave, eteritus, doon kanda, profane desecration, spheron, cryptic dissolution, brotthogg, vomitheist, kres, rebaelliun, pestilectomy, coprobaptized cunthunter, cult of lilith, psionic madness, pandrador, abhorrent aggression, hellcraft, impulsive gluttony, drain of impurity, samskarasmetal, kossuth, unflesh, czort, hellbore, pronostic, the odious construct, dream void, voracity, phlebotomized, decimated humans, ad inceptum, proliferation, infiltrated mankind, slaveone, rotting kingdom, zac leaser, wastewalker, internal organs external, where deprivation lies,