paralelo — similar artists: antiguo régimen, michael yonkers yonkers/gr, máximo volumen, gepopel, de hoje haele, estrategia lo capto!, toxin iii, masks of canaan, instant automatons, samtsi dronta, glorious din, tools you can trust, end of data, gattopardo, billy bao, minimal man, laughing hands, madame o und ihre kopffilm bande, SORC3RY, cosmotropia de xam's chromatic dream box, nunca nada, pyramids of mu, we are the hunters, drug machine, pwin 山 teaks, dazed marrow, t.m.xx, ▼ne×××enus▼, michael yonkers, vvinter rainbovv, rvts, late bush, dead dreamer, sc▼rn, bambi ofs, s3▽3n3y3s, Amenità, ex-conclave, helena markos, voices from beyond, the children of new h, †atmos†ph4re † of god 4nd † devil†, dame area, of mater suspiria vision, dagmar bürger komplex, hieros deimos, fromrussiawithaids, gl▲ss †33†h, moncters, carmen incarnadine, twyly▲ght ► zone, evil tarot, technique, inmatfabrik, cheops ov mu, ex-pyramids of mu, todd tamanend clark,