our+earth+is+a+tomb — similar artists: our earth is a tomb, ire wolves, dead end thoughts, yuxa, eyrth, bosphorus, novere, eyes fly, boru, throth, degraey, throneless, nomadic rituals, magnatar, vandampire, gloson, aztakea, sea of bones, mireplaner, bees made honey in the vein tree, mang ont, slow green thing, these beasts, void of light, sūrya, locomotora, smyčka, aerosol jesus, kråkslott, wilderness of mirrors, faces of the bog, mother abyss, landforge, head in hand, sand into glass, culak, Zyclops, hochen, ennoven, nnra, shadow limb, space cadaver, directional, jerky dirt, empires of light, drune, flood peak, from the ages, goatsmoke, sludgelord records, supertzar, godhead lizard, earthson, liquid signal, lesser glow, wizzo, lorekeeper,