omnivore — similar artists: kever, pronostic, Caratucay, hatalom, shards of humanity, spheron, sabbatory, regurgitated guts, voidspawn, abysmalist, chaos sanctuary, horrisonous, chaos inception, kossuth, invincible force, eternal dirge, exaugurate, virial, the odious construct, dream void, putrisect, where deprivation lies, solus ex inferis, vitrified entity, scorched, valsa pintura, antiversum, obscure evil, thy feeble saviour, proliferation, dire omen, mordant rapture, third storm, hellbore, vorum, brought by pain, supreme conception, the antichrist imperium, wastewalker, goreworm, malformity, ahret dev, baneful storm, unflesh, samskarasmetal, disincarnation, cemetery filth, carrion vael, dark matter secret, astringency, spiteful visions, noxis/cavern womb, zac leaser, dawn of dementia, nucleus/azath, slaveone, dream unending,