obsessions — similar artists: true sons of thunder, slimex, belly jelly, theee retail simps, c.p.r. doll, ztuped, exxxon, primitive teeth, abi ooze, garbage disposal union, brick head, consensus madness, blazing eye, dotx3, the gobs, gee tee vee, thee artificial rejects, goodbye boozy digital, insane urge, hyäne, bad anxiety, enemic interior, haunted george, new berlin, nolimit, hævner, negative gears, milk lines, lamictal, z-pak, cexcrime, star party, the primate five vs the traditional fools, unidad ideológica, silicon hearbeat, fugitive bubble, welt star, sagger, dd deth, the love triangle, dirtbag distro, shitbots ceo, happy hookers for jesus, derby dolls, motor corp, zoids, the functional blackouts, shitbots, hick tracy, septic yanks, the freak, personal damage, display homes, porno empire, luxury rides, olde boi and the sounds in his head, the blowtops,