new+hard+folk — similar artists: new hard folk, starbirthed, monocot, montgomery and turner, pierce warnecke & louis laurain, caloia / charuest / fousek, pasquarosa/gerycz, jacob wick & phil sudderberg, ash brooks, aurora nealand / steve marquette / anton hatwich / paul thibodeaux, ml wah, matt "mv" valentine, whisker, tonal cosmology, mockunas/mazurkiewicz/berre, berman / lytton / roebke, cyril bondi & d'incise, matthew lux's communication arts quartet, nakatani / kawabata / chou, signe dahlgreen, east of the valley blues, jimmyjack toth, matt lajoie, flower room, muyassar kurdi & nicholas jozwiak, dire wolves absolutely perfect brothers band, eiderdown records, ashley paul & jeffrey alexander, tom carter, wet tuna, johnny coley, herbcraft, tony irving & massimo magee, lajoie, willie lane, deuce avenue, macie stewart & lia kohl, tristan kasten-krause, island house recordings, dwlvs, de ponti, wooden wand trio, jon camp, de dionyso / meek / rico, house panther diadem ensemble, mary lattimore & mac mccaughan, byrnes/shiroishi/wyche, powers/rolin duo, the heavy lidders, weeping bong band, thomas / butcher / solberg, dire wolves just exactly perfect sisters band, m.h.h., steve long, arrington de dionyso & ted byrnes, family ravine, prana crafter / ragenap,