nevel — similar artists: zakaz, turpitude, igatsus, the black mysteries, caput mortuum, pale shroud, impavida, sarastus, coffin lurker, degredo, schattenvald, lubbert das, malebranche, melankoli, petrale, naðra, salqiu, turia, locust leaves, meslamtaea, occelensbrigg, pyriphlegethon, solus grief, asgrauw, de gevreesde ziekte, thy sepulchral moon, transcending rites, the night specter, pénitence onirique, ocerco, willoos, enscelados, scum liquor, spectral corruption, ter ziele, armnatt, dwell in solitude, verval, de magia veterum, fortress of the olden days, grisatre, ancestors blood, vonlaus, tempel wolf, hanormale, vizir, glemsel, misertus, iira, ordo cultum serpentis, blurr thrower, negativa, steingrab, cloak of altering, ancient burial, weerzin, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi,