bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

mother+corona — similar artists: gorgantherron, sonic mass, dryasdust, mother corona, stone cadaver, wiser fool, lizard queen, doomicidal, prophets of saturn, space slavery, shellfin, spirit division, the archaic revival, wizard eye, the gentlemen bastards, indica blues, spheronaut, the acid guide service, chief of smoke, Enos, cult of sorrow, lord montague, the moonshine brand, slug lord, powered wig machine, blue black hours, hellas records, cobrajab, DSW, boudain, disrule, doublestone, the dirty earth, parasol caravan, trash titan, green asylum, his masters voice - the devils blues, mount soma, dusteroid, looking glass, godhead lizard, stoned cobra, woodwall, bedroom rehab corporation, libido fuzz, axis/orbit, black thai, dolmenn, snake thursday, snowburner, great rift, chronobot, scaevola's fire, violence of the sun, fairy duster, king bison, magic jove,