morgurth — similar artists: morgurth, aldaaron, zwiespalt, hån, zakaz, sarvekas, bhleg, serpents oath, jordfäst, lidelse, dråpsnatt, wallfahrer, pillars of crucifixion, festung, thromos, utstøtt, steingrab, vosbúð, glemsel, hovmod, geistaz'ika, varde, fedrespor, kraken duumvirate, ildra, fiur, beenkerver, blodtår, the bishop of hexen, jodöden, saiva, panphage, storm kvlt, skendöd, geistlicht, downcross, trauer, avoid the light, iterum nata, solus grief, labyrinthus stellarum, iraq, schwermut, udånde, nachtzeit, northmoon, nostalgic darkness, triste tage, tod huetet uebel, widertod, sanguine imperator, nemesis sopor, heimland, sinister downfall, grisatre, Forndom, sjælekval,