magoth — similar artists: magoth, aldaaron, sarvekas, hån, serpents oath, sarastus, nattverd, nyrst, geistaz'ika, steingrab, order of nosferat, terrestrial hospice, aihos, negator, helrunar, cultus profano, imperium dekadenz, NOCTEM, burshtyn, teufelsberg, thromos, beenkerver, alghazanth, totenwache, nemesis sopor, maeskyyrn, 1941, pillars of crucifixion, timor et tremor, lunar spells, hegemon, wolves of perdition, darvaza, streams of blood, netherbird, altars of grief, morgal, zakaz, downcross, ezkaton, ondfødt, nornír, hypnoticdirgerecords, lebenssucht, jordfäst, malist, gleichmacher, wallfahrer, praise the plague, scáth na déithe, wulfhere productions, armnatt, nordjevel, avræ lvnæ, antzaat, the foetal mind, scum liquor,