j.e.+sunde — similar artists: the faux paws, fern maddie, elizabeth and the catapult, j.e. sunde, gretchen peters, old town crier, johnmoreland, the schizophonics, Anna Tivel, mighty poplar, sean staples, lee bob & the truth, jeffrey martin, annie sumi, dinty child, jonathan byrd, joe pug, kris orlowski, gretchen peters with tom russell, debbie miller, the envy corps, rachel sumner, chris kokesh, sam moss, planes on paper, the foghorns, arthur james, patrick galactic, the spider ferns, the crying shame, bd+thesheeks, jim infantino, fretland, the hasslers, young-chhaylee, andrew vannorstrand, maya de vitry, stucky jackson, trick candles, mercy parker, noah vannorstrand, james lee baker, red line roots, jeffrey martin and anna tivel, golden ruins, lisa bastoni, the sentimentals, julie vallimont, dietrich strause, the pickup cowboys, the daredevil christopher wright, caitlin canty, great bear records, sean ryder, buddy system, anthony da costa, the cupholders,