hot+topic — similar artists: blank statements, alex macfarlane, hot topic, mikey young, max kohane, the garbage and the flowers, the stroppies, brick head, aloha units, big supermarket, the rangoons, wireheads, sleeper and snake, xux, possible humans, the searchers, the native cats, the gabys, the garbage, tsap, matt harkin, destiny 3000, the ranghouls, the kiwi animal, the stevens, pious faults, permits, the great divides, mollusc, j. mcfarlane's reality guest, sex tourists, liquid diet, jj ulius, greta now, glen schenau, p.p. rebel, display homes, prefect, the green child, wet lips, yuta matsumura, loose-y crunché, grotesque circular dance, pappy, ela stiles, Michael O., shop regulars, thistle group, emma russack & lachlan denton, dry finish, mope grooves, ivory whips, hexdebt, private anarchy, brick brick, table sugar, sunset flips,