homo+monstrous — similar artists: homo monstrous, forced femme, eel valley, also also also, rae spoon, mechadroid, mechadroid/go bwah, grey records, orphan mothers, zann foth, drone>drones: palestine action fundraiser, kinky, tankini, mimi zima, megan nash, rae spoon with jesus and his judgemental father, police teeth, plastik, oiseaux, corey gulkin (previously corinna rose), the moas, dj dyke boyfriend, filthy liars, SpoonBoy, queer songbook orchestra, pinksnail, total betty, dump babes, natural sympathies, ariana giroux, heal xo, directory of american menu hotlines, snip snap, casual leg, too attached, spruce island, corpse fighter, the moon runners, eden the cat, snake pool, ballot burner, witchknife, hard femme, michael scott dawson, alloys, peace flag ensemble, poxy, toam, marissa burwell, ash ludd, sled island music & arts festival, team player, the won'ts, shirley & the pyramids, firestarter, kinky nature femme, bog princess,