hexenaltar — similar artists: dungeon steel, unembalmed, nocturnal witch, derketa, nattmaran x terror cross, bastard cröss, zabbeth, lord rot, f.k.r.#91/4 - prehistoric war cult, disfuneral, f.k.r.#91/2 - scalpture, pillars of crucifixion, crossspitter, necrocarnation, zemial, hellsword, f.k.r.#91/3 - vomitheist, regurgitated guts, ophicvs, hellraizerr, fkr#112 - prehistoric war cult, f.k.r.#95 - voyeur, rats of reality, thlurm, sodality, armnatt, thy sepulchral moon, grave violator, ger/arg, runemagick, occelensbrigg, degredo, dungeon crawl, hellbringer, extinguished, the spawn of satan, f.k.r.#91/1 - carnal tomb, ordo cultum serpentis, sexmag, Dark God, scum liquor, spectral corruption, annihilation process, truchło strzygi, venomwolf, nuclear revenge, pestis cultus, ahret dev, pröfane oath, kever, ocerco, panzer squad, boundless chaos, avræ lvnæ, skullovich, viölence, sammas' equinox,