bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

harakiri — similar artists: endless affliction, circle of dead children, decimated humans, the partisan turbine, samskarasmetal, crowpath, psionic madness, the overmind, iconic vivisect, antropofago, Caratucay, baring teeth, drain of impurity, estuarine, slaveone, kill the client, solus ex inferis, coprobaptized cunthunter, darkrypt, legacy of brutality, illogicist, the dying light, defilementory, aizwal, begging for incest, exalter, tombthroat, interminable corruptions, impulsive gluttony, separatist, zealotry, out of the mouth of graves, fractalline, leprous divinity, hellcraft, odious mortem, concealment, trench warfare, pestilectomy, as eden burns, voracity, mother morgue, abysmal torment, abyssal ascendant, seminal embalmment, abhorrent aggression, spheron, flesh configuration, kossuth, human vivisection, habitual depravity, willowtip, slaughter brute, Disfiguring The Goddess, abriosis, abnormity, your end,