bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

god+jr. — similar artists: asbestos worker, poino, trigger cut, hardcore crayons, civil elegies, throth, hoaries, Buzz Rodeo, willzyx, gorge trio, power-take-off, cuntz, the great went, lardo, black congress, fury things, another heaven, fuckin' lovers, meatwound, falcon arrow, multicult, dodenbezweerder, humanshapes, crimes (mn), yume nikki, swimsuit area, bbigpigg, god jr., flesh mother, the miami dolphins, total fucking blood, gorge trio with milo fine, lady piss, white spot, demonic devices, blacklisters, prgrphs, american cream band, youff, the stabs, Clever, pliakas, still / form, nearly dead, the ghost is clear records, being a satellite, burn fetish, nohome caspar brötzmann, wertmüller, cutty's gym, the powder room, irk, plaque marks, fucking, weft, double grave, radiator girl,