gilles+le+bigot — similar artists: tony macmahon, pádraic keane, mick o'brien, emer mayock, aoife nĂ bhriain, aidan connolly, jack talty, claire egan, tĂ©ada, nathan gourley and laura feddersen, carlos sweeney mccartin, steve cooney, dylan foley, eimear arkins, caitlĂn nic gabhann with brian mcgrath, antĂłin mac gabhann, hushman, the mcgoldrick family, saileog nĂ cheannabháin, caitlĂn & ciarán, eabhal, caitlĂn nic gabhann, rĂ©alta, hudson records, the outside track, padraig rynne, will woodson, caitlin finley, & chris stevens, jon boden, spiers & boden, ruairĂ mcgorman, fergus mcgorman, the alt, noel hill, the yanks, jenna moynihan & mairi chaimbeul, the hudson sessions, sam sweeney, siobhan peoples, na mooneys, the young'uns, nuadán, zoĂ« conway - dĂłnal lunny - máirtĂn o'connor, murty ryan, brenda castles, ben nicholls, tony linnane, james carty, sean cooney, emma o'leary, bryan o'leary, jayne pomplas, francis o'connor-flute/fiddle, the kane sisters, aggie whyte, nathan gourley and joey abarta, the consequences, john carlos, this is how we fly, maura o'connor,