bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

free+weed — similar artists: plastic response records, sultan bathery, famous class records, uh bones, the kiwi animal, new berlin, captain t.v. 舰长电视, bb eye, iguana moonlight, earth girl helen brown, buck biloxi and the fucks, pineapple rnr, cleaners from venus, richard papiercuts, wonder bread, the sweet spots, loose grip records, cass mccombs/ white magic, ghali, cassie ramone, true sons of thunder, gnar tapes, dj kid slizzard, the beta blockers, pop zeus, the yolks, the rangdangs, filthy huns, bozmo, 陽神lordsun, good looking son, hash redactor, neck chop records, the memories, fungi girls, various boston bands, Dumpster Tapes, plunk 67, la corde, craigslist, so'n'so, 1983film, pega 速力, rc kola, futureless, frank lion, •qop•, rider/horse, digger and the pussycats, xiu xiu/ lawrence english, the suburban homes, the poodlez, model zero, slugfuckers, thee oh sees/ the mallard, resurrection records, lower dens/ horse lords,