faith+folk — similar artists: faith folk, anarchy, café society, tom robinson band, tomrobinson, emily duff, homo promos, allison moorer, steve knightley, wyatt funderburk, cry cry cry, the men that will not be blamed for nothing, pendletones, pansy division, elle cordova, duke special, michaela anne, two cow garage, mary spender, kristina murray, and molly sarlé, adam sutherland, the anti-dicktators, ilyaimy, sweetfeed, jakko jakszyk, eugene hutz, raphael doyle, dan stuart, eric ambel, chris eldridge, band pres llareggub, ok.danke.tschüss, edward ii, angela autumn, gadjo dilo, andy white, Unquiet Nights, lindsay lou, this winter machine, araluen, fischer-z, james hodder, melissa ferrick, dillonanderson, brittany ann tranbaugh, ecomog, thom ashworth, martyn joseph, micah schnabel, bruce miller, john watts, stephanie lambring, Courtney Marie Andrews, caitlin canty, noah zacharin, kelsey waldon,