discreation — similar artists: overtorture, discreation, temple of dread, Obscenity, creeping flesh, deadborn, exalter, legacy of brutality, endseeker, burial vault, nightbearer, konkeror, kever, Caratucay, gods forsaken, farsoth, endless affliction, testimony records, embedded, unbreakable hatred, eteritus, profanity, rebaelliun, antropofago, abyssal ascendant, abythic, kåabalh, demonbreed, strangulate, spheron, the dyatlov discovery, aposento, slaveone, soulskinner, storm upon the masses, shards of humanity, darkrypt, hiraes, bastard grave, siege of power, aizwal, fleshworks, suidakra, display of decay, dawn of disease, sacrificial slaughter, creeping fear, throne of heresy, necrokinesis, solus ex inferis, necropanther, primitiv, lacerated enemy records, bleedskin, hellcraft, horrisonous, demonical,