death+in+bloom — similar artists: death's grip, justice for the damned, society's chain, vile eye, i exalt, controlled/primitive blast, burning season/cursed earth, i, valiance, fvck mountain, underminer, stone hearts, death in bloom, time crisis, ghostxship, flawed saviour, far from earth, cast down, imprisoned, cold front, lifes ill, briarcliff, blind oracle, kyhl, reactions, dj terror terror, dgc, honest crooks, off the hook, boris the blade, earthender, ill natured, one more victim, bounty hunter, burning season, dethrone the deceiver, wartorn, the hopewell furnace, colossvs, a legacy unwritten, chevin | anxiety attack, coup d ́etat, cursed earth, alpha wolf, before the throne, altered perceptions, kids insane | slander, Toolate, || legions ||, bind the sacrifice, labyrinthe, opposer, xclusivex fanzine | let ́s keep hardcore positive, timeless wounds, plead4mercy, primitive blast, a trust unclean, mindshank,