conation — similar artists: jen buxton, jamie hay, crush the demoniac, lincoln le fevre, world of joy, fear like us, winnerz circle, HOBBLEDEHOY, conation, wöstheinrich, blueline medic, stockades, upperground, like...alaska, life lair regret records, empower, slavedriver, neil bloem, pure instinct, frozen over, life's fate, xlairx, latest god, von garnier, justin courtney pierre, starvation/negative reinforcement, human ruins, clandestine ad, four remain, hornetz nest, paper arms, the nation blue, blind faith, bernhard wöstheinrich, the gifthorse, cool spring, jxckxlz, spahn, lankow, leander reininghaus, mere women, rainer frey, brief habits, restorations, excarnate, hanny j, purplene, camp cope/ cayetana, ⛓DIGRESS⛓, elsewhere project, colossvs, crisis alert, ludovico d'angelo, tabotago, Wormrot, impasse, the leap year,